Friday, 31 January 2020

Day 2- Finding checkpoints

What I did today:
Today I worked on finding the checkpoints for the arms, meaning the crucial points where the arm has a stopping point or an in-between point between the movements.

Keyframes in Blender are made by pressing "I" on the keyboard which gives this popup where you can choose what you want to keyframe, for example, you can choose to keyframe the rotation of the arm separate from the location keyframe. In this animation, because the entire arm is moving at . once I'm keyframing the entire character in the area I want it.

I decided my first checkpoint to be in the side movement when the arm is coming up.

I put the keyframes for this movement at frame 20 so that it would be fairly quick. 

For my second checkpoint, I made it when the arm was at a 90-degree angle and made it at frame 60 so that I would have space for any more keyframes later on. 

For my third checkpoint, I made it in-between the first and second one on frame 40 which I later moved to frame 30 with the arm still sideways but past the 90-degree point so that it would look like more of a natural circular motion that is made when an arm moves like the video I used as a reference.

After playing the video it felt a bit too slow so I ended up changing the whole frame amount from 150 frames to 100 and moving the end keyframe to 100 as well. This gave it a faster movement speed like how it would be in real life.

This is what the animation looks like so far, it is rough but I like the general motion as to me it feels like how the main points of the movement in the reference.

What I'm doing tomorrow:
Tomorrow I'll be working on making the motion look and move more naturally by adding more keyframes, and also going into the graph editor which I haven't used too much in general and I'll go more into it tomorrow of what the graph editor is. I'm hoping to learn how to use it better so that I can make my future projects better and so I can broaden my knowledge in animation tools.

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