Monday 4 May 2020

Day 37 - Spider-man scene - Basic body motions

What I did today:
Today I worked on the basic motions the entire body would make when moving along the path I made for it. The way I determined which way the model would move is by thinking and imagining how Spider-man would actually move around the buildings and what movements he would do while staying in a constant flow.
I first started at frame 0 where he would start and had the model start off tilted slightly as if it was swinging beside it, about to turn the corner of it. When I made the keyframes I pressed 'I' and then chose only rotation because I wasn't changing the destination or scale of the model and was only changing the rotation of the model so that was the only thing that needed to have a keyframe.
When I originally made the keyframes they where normal keyframes that had the graph editor have curves, which would change the timing of the movements but I needed to change that because in this animation the model needs to keep moving the same speed throughout the scene. So to do this I pressed 'T' which lets me change the interpolation of the graph and then chose the graph to be linear.
Then as the model was moving around the building I rotated the model even more to the side as it would if it was really swinging quickly around the building.

Then as the model was moving downwards in the path I made a keyframe and rotated in a way that the model was getting ready to steady out at the bottom and go straight upwards again.
Then at the bottom of the curve, I had it upright again so that the model could grab onto the two buildings to its side and swing up high again for the later part of the path. Also having it down low like this lets me add a car model or something like that to make the scene more dynamic and have the model pass beside the car.
Then as it was moving upwards again I turned the model upside down again because in real life if the model swung upwards again between the two buildings then the motion will most likely flip him backwards so for this part I will just have the model do a backflip.
Then at the top of the rotation, I made the model upright again and turned it just a bit towards the building to its right so that it can attach to that and swing around it.
And then just like the first corner, the model moved around I rotated the model heavily again as it would if it really swung quickly around a building.

What I learned today:
Today I learned to make these general motions instead of making doing every small part of the model at a time because by making these small motions it acts as a storyboard and I get an idea of what the scene will look like as I keep working on it.

What I'm doing tomorrow:
Tomorrow I'm going to start animating the actual body of the model and will start with the waist of the model.

Why I didn't post:
I didn't post for a while because my computer stopped working and it took a few days to get it fixed by my uncle but now that it is fixed I will go back on my normal schedule of posting everyday.

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