Tuesday 26 May 2020

Day 40 - Spider-man scene - head movements

What I did today:
Today I worked on moving the head around and deciding what and when the model would look at while swinging.

For the start I had him looking towards the building he is holding onto. When moving the head I realized that I couldn't just rotate the head to look where I wanted it but also had to move the head as well by pressing 'G' because if I just rotated it then the neck doesn't follow and it moves in a way that's not physically possible. So after doing this instead of making a keyframe on just the rotation, I made one for the rotation and location.
Next as he's swinging around the building I had it so that he's still looking at where he swung from because the momentum from the swing is turning and flipping him so he would still be looking behind him as he's releasing from the web.

As he is falling down I had him looking straight towards the street and then slowly starting to look a bit higher up towards where he's going to swing to next. The thing with the movements of the head is to make sure it is physically possible in real life so it is tough to make sure how far to move the head back.

Then as he moves he first looks to the right and then left, he would be looking at the buildings so that he isn't swinging wildly and doesn't miss the web.

For the next part of the head movements, I had the head snap down and then back up from the force and momentum of swinging and attaching a new web and changing speed/directions. 
Then as he's flipping backwards I had him move his head backwards because that's usually how I see Spider-man move his head in whatever media I see him do this movement in.
Then after the backflip, I have him look at the building where he's going to swing next.
Then as he swings around the building, I had him keep looking forward to where he is going till the end of the animation.

What I learned today:
Today I learned that when moving certain body parts when animating it is good to remember about how they move in real life and what other body parts move with the part I am trying to animate, like the head and neck for this animation.

What I'm doing tomorrow:
Tomorrow I am going to animate the legs and make adjustments to the hips depending on the momentum of the legs from how I animate them.

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