Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Day 34 - Fixing leg movements and refining animation in graph editor

What I did today:
Today I worked on refining the animation in the face by using the graph editor and then also fixing the jerkiness in the legs that I noticed when I rendered the animation.

For making the animation in the eyes smoother, I went into the graph editor and deleted some of the unnecessary keyframes so that the graph would be smoother as well as making a cycles modifier to all the z-axis location keyframes to make it repeat and loop properly.

I then did the same with the eye movement but I didn't add a cycles modifier because it didn't need to repeat because it was more random than the blinking is.

For the legs, the reason it was snapping so much in the animation was that there wasn't enough space between the keyframes for it to automatically move properly and reach the keyframe smoothly. 

To fix this problem I moved over the keyframe on frame 19 over to frame 20 and made another keyframe on frame 18 with the leg moved forward a bit to make up for the computer automatically snapping the leg too much. I then did this for the rest of the leg keyframes and when testing it out in the preview, it seemed to fix the problem. I didn't go into the graph editor because the legs moved fast enough that any small snaps that may still be there will be unnoticeable due to the speed of the movements.

What I learned today:
I learned that the computer sometimes doesn't make the right assumptions to move a piece towards a keyframe and to fix this a manual keyframe needs to be made.

What I'm doing tomorrow:
Tomorrow I'm going to render the animation and summarize this project as well as what I will be working on next.

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