Friday 21 February 2020

Day 16 - Starting on the anger expression

What I did today:
Today I started on the anger expression for the first diagonal head tilt. To convey anger in a person it is more important to get the eyes and the expression they give right. This is because anger is mostly conveyed threw the eyes of a person, the other aspects in the face help but it is mostly the eyes that give off the emotion.

I first started by adding more blink keyframes. When I was adding keyframes to the eyelids for the frowning expression I had to move some blink expressions over making it so that the last blink was on frame 133, getting rid of the 20 frameskip I had for each blink, because I wanted to keep the space, while also adding diversity to the blinks I made a blink animation right after the blink on frame 140. Doing this fixed kept the space of 20 frames from before while also keeping diversity in the number of blinks in succession. This also adds to the sadness expression because it gives the appearance that the character is holding off tears.
I added more blinks on frames 160, 180, and 200. After this screenshot, I also added one on frame 220.

Starting on the expression itself I first created a frown, but I did not make it as exaggerated as the frown on the previous expression. I also moved the edges of the mouth closer to make it look like the lips had a slight pucker.
For the eyes, I first made the lookup into the direction of the head tilt.

To animate the eyebrows I couldn't see the controls very well for them because of the hair getting in the way so to fix this I hid the hair by pressing the eye button on the side outliner of the hair part of the mesh. This doesn't delete the hair, it only hides it until I press the eye button again.
I moved the eyebrows down and rotated them to make the expression. Immediately after moving the eyebrows and eyes the anger expression is very evident. It also helps with the eyes being open very wide.
To have the expression last for a bit before changing again I duplicated every piece of the rig I had moved and moved it over by 8 frames.
Then I unhid the hair and duplicated the neutral keyframe of everything I had moved and moved the duplicates to frame 225 which is the midpoint of transition to the next head swivel. 

For the anger expression, the hardest part was getting the eyes correct for the expression, especially the eyebrows because I experienced som clipping issues where the eyebrows would go threw the body model when I moved them, which was fixed by rotating them around on different axis's.

What I'm doing tomorrow:
Tomorrow, I'll finish somethings for the anger expression that I realized I wanted to add while I was finishing this post. After that, I'll start on the next expression which will be an expression of shock or surprise.

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