Tuesday 4 February 2020

Day 4 - Duplicating keyframes

What I did today:
Today I worked on the last few keyframes for the animation of the arm. Right now I have up to the point where the palm of the hand is facing upwards but I'm going to make it go back to its original, palm down position. I did this by duplicating the keyframes I had before and moving them to the frame I wanted the position to be at. Then I just moved the positions around a bit to make it move smoother and look more natural.

First I duplicated the keyframes for the forearm and bicep with the arm on the 90-degree angle by selecting the keyframes and pressing Shift+D
Then I moved it to the 85th frame so that there would be a bit of delay before the arm comes back up.

Lastly, I readjusted it as it shifted over a bit because it wanted to move towards the last keyframe which is the arm palm down.

After moving the points for the arm going up I did the ones for the arm going down which were on frame 20 and 30. I duplicated those ones as well by pressing Shift+D and moved them to frame 100 and 110, with frame 30 duplicated to frame 100 and frame 20 duplicated to frame 110 so it would be playing in reverse and the arm would be going downwards.

After this, I realized that the arm was going down very slowly which was due to there being 40 frames between the last moving arm position and the end which slowed down the end. So I moved the last frame from frame 150 to frame 130 and also reduced the max number of frames to that as well. After this, it was still a little slow which made me decide to reduce it down to 125.

This is the animation so far with all the large basic arm movements done.

What I'm doing tomorrow:
Tomorrow I'll be trying to finetune the large movements that I have even more with the graph editor and then hopefully move onto moving the fingers and the closing of the fist when the arm goes into the palm-up position.

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