Thursday 27 February 2020

Day 18 - hair movements

What I did today:
 Today I worked on the animation for the hair. So farin the animation the hair has been static, but when the head moves the hair on a persons head will also move but in its own unique way. The hair movement is random but has a general direction to it, as well as small bobs and sways inbetween movements. These smaller movements and directed randomness is a bit hard to replicate in Blender but with some experimentation of different movements it will become easier to create the desired effect.

I first started by making a neutral keyframe on frame 0.
I then made a keyframe on frame 50 with the hair moved, I also duplicated the neutral position to frame 45 so that the hair will move only when the head starts to move.

Next I made a neutral position on frame 80 to so that it would change back after the head moved back. I also moved the duplicated neutral position from frame 45 to frame 35.

I then did the same thing on the other head turn and made the keyframe on frame 125. and then made a neutral position on frame 150.

Then just as I duplicated the original neutral keyframe, I duplicated the frame 80 neutral position so that it would start as the head started to move.

For the first up head tilt I moved the hair so it would go downwards and a bit forward, and keyframed it on frame 200. I also duplicated the frame 150 neutral position so the hair would move later on, and put the duplicate on 170.

Because thehead pauses for a bit when looking up I also paused the hair so that the hair lasts as long as the head pause. I also made a neutral position on frame 230.

I then repeated the same things I did for the last head tilt for the other head tilt, The hair is keyframed on frame 250 and uplicated to frame 257.  And also keyframed the last neutral position on frame 300. For the head tilt hair animation I didn't need to duplicate the neutral hair keyframes because there was no pause between the movements of the head tilts.

I then started on the bangs for the charavter at the front. I first made a neutral keyframe on frame 0.
I copied the areas for the keyframes from the other hair piece. And also made the duplicates the same as the other keyframes.
For the front hair I copied the movements from the previous hair keyframes and made them the same but because the hair movement for the front is a bit more subtle there wasn't as much need for pauses in the hair as the other ones.
The front hair was challengin to do for the upwards head tilts because the hair would clip into the character and go into the eye. To get around this I moved the hair slightly forward and a bit more to the side the larger hair piece, but not too much so it would not seem different from the rest of the hair.

The animation I belive is done now, because there doesn't seem more I can do without overworking this animation. The reason in the video the animation is slow is because it takes up a lot of processor power, but it is better then the mac recording because it shows each of the frames just slower then it would be normally if it was rendered.

What I'm doing tomorrow:
Tomorrow I am finishing this animation and rendering the animation. I will show how I do this for this animation but it is pretty much the same as the animation.

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